Friday, November 12, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery

Ear Cropping

Ear cropping is simply put plane wrong. Cosmetic surgery, such as ear cropping should be illegal in all states. I believe this because the procedure is long and painful, and the healing process for the dog is even worse. Sadly most people choose to have their dogs ears cropped at a very young age, some even choose to do it before they spay or neuter their animal. A majority of people are looking for the aggressive look in the animal, but what they do not realize is, is the pain the animal has to go through just to look how one may want them to look.

At the hospital I see about 2-3 surgeries a week that involve ear cropping. The procedure its self is longer than a routine spay or neuter, and also the dog loses more blood. First in order to even start the procedure, the dog must be sedated before surgery, and after. This is because of the massive amount of pain the animal feels after having the procedure over. Once the surgery is over the ears are bandaged and posted in order to keep them standing straight up, in order to do this bandages must be place inside the ear, and outside of it. Placing bandages inside the ears always causes debri to build up in the ear canal and can cause an inner ear infection. After the pet is released to its owners they are required to come back in about a week for a bandage change. Before the bandage change can even began the dog must be sedated, because touching the ears is extremely painful. Sadly the majority of the dogs still cry after the sedation.

The procedure itself is unnecessary; ear cropping should be illegal in all states. The animal is put through immense pain just have an edgy more aggressive look.